среда, 5. фебруар 2014.


Tomasz Kowalski

3 коментара:

Slavko Bovan је рекао...

Moram priznati da mi nije poznat lik (a ni djelo) dotičnog slikara, ali čim u slikama tretira enigmatiku, nama je interesantan.

Slavko Bovan је рекао...

Tomasz Kowalski (born in 1984) lives in Berlin. He is one of Poland’s most promising young artists. In 2009 he graduated from the Department of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. His early pictures show his inspiration by renaissance painting, surrealism, suprematism, and the futuristic costumes of Oscar Schlemmer. Most importantly, however, Tomek Kowalski has developed his own original artistic language, which is constantly developing. His first paintings had a complicated structure and a complex narration, they employed a set of reworked, distinctive motifs. For the last year the artist is reducing the forms, simultaneously compounding the composition freely using his formerly developed repertoire. More and more often he employs other media, makes paper cycles, collages, modeling clay pictures, sculptures and installations.

Slavko Bovan је рекао...